OCM Playbook and 2 Hour Session

A simple approach to
Change Management

Customer to understand change framework for use on their projects

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Change management achieves the expected benefits (on time & within budget) while minimizing the perceived negative impacts and risks of the change.

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How to use the cards

Use post-it notes

Lay them out on a table

  • Sometimes the best way to begin is just to lay out the whole deck on the table.
  • Choose relevant cards to work with.
  • Start discussing your work activities, who needs to be involved, and how to tailor the work to your work environment.
  • Let the conversation lead the way.
  • Choose the cards to work with.
  • Add post it notes to reflect points to clarify, work activities, and anything else you need to think through as you plan your work effort.

Next Steps


  • Take time to print the cards (on a heavier card stock if possible) and cut them to size.
  • Give yourself room to work, to add details.
  • As you brainstorm, make sure you record all ideas first –then refine them into a plan.
  • Use the workstreams and activity cards to define the first two levels of your workplan.
  • The details below (possibly on the post it notes), are the specific work activities you need to manage.

Beta Disclaimer:

Please note that this is a beta version of the Ignite Change Card Framework, which is undergoing final testing before its official release. The cards and all content found within are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. Ignite Consulting does not give any express or implied warranties as to the suitability of the cards.

Ignite Consulting will not be liable for any loss, whether such loss is direct, indirect, special or consequential, suffered by any party as a result of their use of the Ignite Change Card Framework, it's software or content.

Should you encounter any bugs, glitches, lack of functionality, or other problems with the Ignite Change Card Framework, please let us know so we can rectify these accordingly. We appreciate your help!

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